Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Rob Ford in the Think Tank

Rob Ford was the central talking piece in one of the United States foremost think tank, located the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington DC on Friday, May 16. The topic was how Ford was able to become the mayor of Toronto, and also how he is still able to maintain such popularity among Torontonians even after all of the scandals he has been involved in. He holds much of his popularity in “suburban voters” who are “less educated” and also from some of those who support him because he “upsets the elites”.
Mayor Rob Ford's offer to explain politics to women is being seen as codescending.
Rob Ford's recognizable face
            I think that all of this thought put into Rob Ford and who supports him and why is wasted, since my belief is that in order to judge somebody on how fit they are to hold a position, you cannot look at their personal life but have to judge based on what they did in office in the past. Holding a think tank on whether Rob Ford is fit to hold office is not going to show you how good or bad of a mayor he is, since you are probably only going to look at how bad of a person he is. I have no doubts that, based on media, Rob Ford is about as terrible of a person that he can get without stabbing somebody, but that is in his personal life and I don’t judge him on how good a mayor he is by that; I don’t judge his mayoral abilities at all because in the news they barley mention how he is doing as a mayor. I think that the only reason Rob Ford blew up in such a way is because the media decided to cling to him.

Article Source
Rob Ford a topic of discussion at U.S. think tank
May 16, 2014
Paul Koring
The Globe and Mail

Picture Source

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